54. Jahrgang Nr. 6 / September 2024
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1. In Search of Lost Unity
2. An Appeal for Unity in the Church
3. Note on the 2000 Declaration
4. The 2000 Declaration
5. En busca de la unidad perdida
6. Llamamiento a la unidad de la Iglesia
7. Nota sobre la Declaración del año 2000
8. Declaratión del año 2000
9. À la recherche de ´unité perdue
10. Appel à l´unité de l´Église
11. Référence à la DÉCLARATION de l´an 2000
12. Déclaration de l´année 2000
13. Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Einheit
14. Aufruf zur Einheit der Kirche
15. Erklärung aus dem Jahr 2000
16. Editors Notes
An Appeal for Unity in the Church
An Appeal for Unity in the Church

To the Right Reverends, Reverends and Faithful Laity:

By Father Courtney Edward Krier
June 23, 2023

Mr Eberhard Heller, in the year 1982, assisted in arranging the consecration of Bishop Guerard des Laurier along with that of Bishops Moises Carmona and Adolfo Zamora. In doing so it was for the continuation of the Catholic Church after the Conciliar Church rejected the apostolic faith and its subsequent invalidation of the Sacrifice and Sacraments of the Church. Marcel Lefebvre refused to stand up for the Church; and, with the revelation that Achille Leinart—his ordaining and consecrating bishop—was a high level Freemason bent on destroying the faith, the doubt arose whether Lienart ever intended to ordain or consecrate priests and bishops, therefore, casting into doubt Marcel Lefebvre’s Holy Orders.

With the intention of the Consecrations by Bishop Ngô-dinh-Thuc to continue the Church under these conditions, without which the episcopal consecrations would be a schismatic act, the following obligation stands to continue the mission of the Church by those consecrated in this lineage.

Where do we find, today, the Church founded by Jesus Christ? Prior to Vatican II the answer would have been easy and acceptable: In the Catholic Church. Today that answer seems nonsensical because what is called the Catholic Church today is the Conciliar Church, a church in structure Catholic and called Catholic, but lacking the apostolic faith and valid sacraments it clearly cannot be Catholic Church.

But if it is not, where does one seeking the Church founded by Jesus Christ find it? In the separated groups and organizations of Sedevacantists under Bishop Mark Pivarunas and CMRI? Bishop Martin Davila and SST? Bishop McGuire and Saint Gertrude? The Sedeprivationist Bishop Geert Jan Stuyver and IMBC? Or Bishop Donald Sanborn and followers? The Ordinariats Bishop Giles Butler and his group? The myriad of bishops married and unmarried as well as unqualified priests, most questionable as to their sacerdotal validity, but saying the Latin Mass?

These and more claim to be the Catholic Church and no other! And, unfortunately, have received orders and consecrations somehow through the lineage of Monsignor Pierre Martin Ngo Dinh Thuc. But there is only one Church! These represent many. Is it any wonder that the laity want nothing to do with any of them? Is it any wonder that there is not a zealous evangelization because the question is raised: By what authority? Who are you to say you are the Church?

I am not denying that there is some legitimacy in the claim to be Catholic by most of those Bishops receiving valid orders and holding true to the faith. But the marks of the Church, one, holy, catholic and apostolic are not evident when they do not hold to the unity of the Church, nor to its universality. One of the arguments for the Catholic Church is her very name. (Cf. Saint Ignatius Letter to the Smyrnaeans, Saint Pacian) But when one claims one is the Church and it is only a small group in, at most, a few places—many times an individual bishop or bishop and one priest—and not throughout the world while at the same time separated from other Catholics? Again, when one receives questionable orders and then claims everyone else is not Catholic except them—are they not saying, as we say of the Protestants, the Church began with them? (That should be an immediate sign they are not Catholic because it rejects the Churchs Indefectibility as also Catholicity.)

The Church is expected to be a visible Church, one that can be found if sought and seen in its hierarchical structure and outward administration of the Sacraments besides the public preaching of the Gospel. As said above, first the Bishop and those under him must have the four marks of the Church. If the Church is split off from the Catholic Church, like many groups that have split and again split off another splinter group, just like the Protestants, it is not the Church Christ founded. One cannot say they left the Catholic Church, they left this Bishop or that Bishop, and started their own group without recognizing they are saying they left the Church. There must be continuity, there must be apostolic succession.

Finally, the Church has the obligation to fulfill the Will of her Divine Founder. So this is not something to be set aside or simply stating it is the end of the world. The Church has the obligation to teach all nations. She has the obligation to govern the faithful. She has the obligation to minister the Sacraments.

What do I hear?

Regarding bishops:
Laity: The only difference between you, the bishop, and us, the laity, is you have to give us the Sacraments, but you have no authority over us.
Priests: The only difference between you, the bishop, and us, the priests, is you can consecrate bishops, ordain priests and confect the sacred oils we need. But you cannot rule over us.

Regarding priests:
Laity: The only difference between you, the priest, and us, the laity is you can offer Mass and dispense the sacraments which you have to give us when we ask. If you preach, it must be what we want to hear when we ask otherwise we wont support you.

Since there are plenty of vagrant priests utilizing this accepted way of having the Mass and the Sacraments—again, many times invalidly—the Bishops must be able to say to the laity that the reception of the Sacraments must be in communion with the Church, not outside the Church. Just because one says they are does not mean they are legitimately done in communion with the Church.

There is no solution to the problem of sectarianism until Bishops and Priests throughout nations and throughout the world are willing to come together as they did at the Council of Constance to seek a binding resolution on decisions regarding the situation of the Church and how to proceed in keeping the unity of the Church. I need not present the myriad teachings that substantiate these statements as all well-informed clergy should be perfectly acquainted.

To close, the request by Dr Eberhard Heller, is once more submitted to those wanting to be members of the one, true Church, to come together and work on Catholic unity. This is not to come together to elect a pope; it is to establish unity in the Church so that if this is obtained, eventually that which Christ established is restored so, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy, and without blemish (Eph. 5:27).

In His Service,

Father Courtney Edward Krier
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