As though conjured up from the earth, a certain Mr. Roux
of Chaillac, France presented himself the last summer, to the
astonishment of Catholics, as an orthodox and validly consecrated
Bishop, in whose shadow - how could it be otherwise - Mme. Heidi Hagen, of Geneva, herself has jumped.
Mr. Jean-Gerard Roux, who claims to be born on the 2 November, 1951 in Nice, asserts:
1. He was ordained a priest by his cousin, Msgr. Bernardier, the Melchite Bishop of Europe, in 1977 at Hahre.
2. Five years later, in 1982, he was consecrated bishop by Msgr. Bernardier.
3. On the 18th of April, 1982 he was again consecrated "sub conditione"
by His Excellency, Msgr. Ngó-dinh-Thuc in Loano, Italy (a copy of the
testimony he attaches).
To this it must be replied:
1. After inquiry with the Center for the Melchites, lacated in Paris,
there is neither record of a Bishop Bernardier, nor of a priest or
bishop of the name Roux.
2. Further inquiry with the Orthodox Hierarchy in Nice, where the
supposed 49 year old Msgr. Bernardier in the meantime has been said to
be admitted into their Russian-Ortodox Convalescent Home, also produced
negative results.
3. Of course there are among the Orthodox, as also amongst us, so
called "clerici vaganti", who consist mostly of dubious origin and
whose backgrounds frequently are impossible to bring to light.
4. On the day, in which the testimony provides as the day of
consecration, i.e., the 18th of April, 1982, His Excellency Msgr.
Ngó-dinh-Thuc was not in Loano, but with my family in Munich (it was
not until May 1, 1982 that Msgr. Ngó-dinh-Thuc flew, in the
accompaniment of Mrs. Norrant, Mr. Hiller and myself, from Munich to
5. I believe myself right to say that with this testimony, in which is
attested a Consecration "sub conditione", there is also another that
appears without this addition, making it unclear wether the second
assertion of Roux (above) is corrected.
6. Even more so to the utmost it is doubtful that he is Catholic, when,
after more than 11 years (after his supposed consecration) and whom
previously nobody has known, Mr. Roux joins again as a supposed Bishop.
Because of all of these circumstances and the verifiable untrue
statements together with the Consecration(s) I most earnestly warn all
Clergy and Laity against working with Mr. Roux as long as all the
doubts are not laid aside and Mr. Roux does not give evidence of his
Munich March 10, 1994
Eberhard Heller
After I had conceived this "Warning", I sent it to Mr. Roux with the
request to state his position. His reply, post marked on the 13th of
November, 1993, corrected the following: Msgr. Bernardier had not been
a Melchite and did "not consecrate five years later" (sic!). Otherwise,
Mr. Roux remains by his statement that he received consecration by His
Excellency, Msgr. Ngó-dinh-Thuc on the 18th of April, 1982 at Loano (on
the Italian Riviera). Since the Archbishop himself, whom I flew with
from Nice on January 29, 1982, was in Munich at this time - his
departure for Nice from Munich was not until May 1, 1982 (departure
time was 3:35 p.m., arrival at 5:05 p.m.), where Mr. Norrant picked him
up in his car - it is impossible that this consecration could have
taken place at this time.
- Besagte Dame, deren unrühmliche Aktivitäten wir gezwungen waren,
aufzudecken, macht auch weiterhin als 'Expertin' im Lösen theologischer
Probleme auf sich aufmerksam: In einem Brief vom 11.2.94 an Herrn
Saraceno / U.S.A. schreibt sie unter Berufung auf Fr. Daniel Jones,
ebenfalls U.S.A., dem Affinitäten zum Kukluxklan nachgesagt
werden, daß es keine Sedisvakanz gibt. - Etwa zur gleichen Zeit
operiert sie im Windschatten von Herrn Roux, der sich als poltriger
Sedisvakantist vergeblich in Szene zu setzen versuchte.